Thursday, 24 September 2015

Godshill, Sandown and Shanklin

It was raining again this morning when I had to make an early trip to the toilet but by the time we got up it was starting to brighten up. We drove the 4 miles or so to Godshill, the quintessential English Village, which boasts some of the oldest architecture on the Isle of Wight.

With its delightful medieval church, charming thatched-roofed cottages and a winding main-street lined with traditional tearooms, Godshill is as picturesque as it is popular.

After a nice two scoop ice cream we set off to Sandown for a little window shopping and a stroll along the pier, where we saw the paddle steamer Waverley steam past the pier. I found Sandown to be a little underwhelming, so we headed off to Shanklin.

We parked on the sea front and used the Cliff Lift and walked into town. After an hour of window shopping it looked like there was some rain brewing so we headed back for the Cliff Lift. It just started raining as we arrived at the lift so when we got to the bottom we sat it out in a shelter on the sea front for 20 minutes or so, before heading off back to the caravan.

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